Common Furnace Repairs and Maintenance Tips

furnace maintenance repair
When it comes to home heaters and furnaces, making repairs is no small expense. A failing furnace is always a worry for homeowners, especially in an area with cold winter seasons. However, the price of furnace repairs will range significantly depending on exactly what’s wrong with the unit.

Here’s more information about what you could expect to pay for furnace repairs when your furnace malfunctions

There are two common types of furnace repairs that are worth looking into. The first is an oil furnace repair which involves valve replacements. The other is a gas furnace repair which involves checking the flow of air into the system. Both require the service of a licensed professional, and if you are unsure whether or not you should proceed with these types of furnace repairs, it’s best to call in a trusted heating company for assistance.

Here are some things that you should consider about each of these furnace repairs:

Oil furnace repairs usually involve a worn-out valve. This type of repair often occurs when the homeowner doesn’t change out the filter of their system and leaves the device plugged in for extended periods of time. Once the air circulates through the system, it picks up contaminants like lint, dirt, grease, and other materials that can damage the internal parts of your heating system. To avoid costly repairs, you should ensure that you change out your filter regularly and that you keep your heating device as clean as possible. A high-efficiency furnace will also need regular maintenance according to manufacturer specifications.

Gas furnace repairs usually involve a broken air release valve. This type of repair typically occurs after someone removes the gas line from the furnace and upgrades it. You might notice that the unit will no longer produce heat; this is usually a sign that the air valve has subsequently broken. If you need to replace the valve, you should follow the directions on the tank for a proper replacement. To prevent more serious issues, you should also have the furnace checked regularly, especially if you live in an area that experiences extreme winter weather.

While all three of these furnace problems are frustrating, they aren’t always the end of the road. One of the most common yet costly furnace repairs is a failsafe heating system that is not maintained properly. For example, some heat pumps may require that you replace the air release valve so that they can run at full capacity.

If you want to avoid having to deal with these types of furnace problems, you should follow these simple steps:

You should have a flame sensor in your furnace. These sensors will detect unusual sounds of heating units when the furnace isn’t running. They will usually be located around the front of the furnace and, in the case of a forced-air furnace, near the igniter. The sounds of furnace noise could indicate a problem with the blower or combustion process. If the noises continue after you have investigated the issue and made sure that everything is working correctly, then you should have your furnace repaired.

Another common cause of furnace repair is clogged burners. If you are experiencing unusual sounds or see smoke coming from your furnace, you should suspect a jam or blockage somewhere in the ductwork. If you turn your furnace off and then try to turn it back on, the chances are that there is a jam in the ducts. To fix this problem, you should contact a furnace repair technician and have them check your ductwork to determine where the jam may be. To prevent this type of furnace repair, you should always have your furnace serviced once every year.

In addition to furnace problems, air filters also can become clogged. There are many instances when an air filter becomes clogged in the heat exchanger duct or the heating system ducts. When air filters become clogged, they limit the amount of airflow through them and reduce the air temperature that circulates them. A technician will most likely need to be called to replace the air filter and should be able to make any necessary repairs on the filter to ensure proper airflow.